Minor & Adult Release Waivers

Thank you for obtaining the USMCA Certified Coaches Insurance! Below you can click and download the adult and minor waivers.

** Carefully read the information and instructions below. **

 * K&K Insurance Policy coverage requires valid execution of the waivers. *

Instructions for Waivers:

  • The waivers are valid for USMCA Certified Coaches.
  • The waivers should be used for each new day of coaching at all times to help defend you against claims of liability.
  • USMCA coaches complete the top of the waiver forms to include the description and location of the coaching session (events). 
  • It is imperative that the waiver not be altered (font or format) and be printed in COLOR to be valid.
  • ALL agreements must be signed in front of (witnessed by) the coach. If the coach is not able to witness the signature, the participant must have it notarized.
  • Parental Consent: The Parent/Legal Guardian must complete and sign this agreement for each minor participating.
  • Minor’s Assumption of Risk: Each minor-aged participant must complete and sign this agreement.
If you have any insurance questions or waiver concerns, please contact Matt Mowan via matt.mowan@kandkinsurance.com or 260-459-5892.